Does Design Really Sell?!

Make More Time for Life

I quit the corporate career I loved because I couldn't manage career + side-business...
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Read Time: 3 min // Implementation Time: 12 hrs

You might not know this but I have a ‘DESIGN PROBLEM’

As far as I can remember, I flip through glossy magazines and never read a word of it The fonts, colors, the perfectly styled clothes and pristine photography are so much more magnetic to me than words….

So this past month, I got sidetracked with an impromptu website redesign 😬

Yes, I know I shouldn’t spend so much time playing with my sales pages but I can’t help it – when it bothers me, it needs to be done!

This time it got me thinking…

Does ‘DESIGN’ affect digital sales?

We know that over 60% of all people are visual learners, meaning they absorb information more easily through visuals rather than listening or reading but…

Do people BUY based on how good a sales page looks??

We buy all sorts of things because they look good – clothes, watches, cars – but part of the allure of owning pretty things is that we can reach a new ‘status’ ourselves.

So you wouldn’t think that when someone is buying a course or coaching that the design matters.

After all, you can’t ‘wear’ it.

But our minds are a lot more complicated than ‘need vs don’t need’ so I compiled some of the

WAYS a beautiful and well-thought out brand (and pretty funnels) can impact your conversions…

1. Instant Connection (attract and repel)

Have you noticed that when you see an ad you instantly create a whole story about it??

When an ad repels:

‘I hate the colors’, ‘It looks cheap’ ‘Bro-marketer’, ‘too salesy’ ‘Another one of those?’

Or when it attracts:

‘Looks like there is a lot inside this program’ ‘She shares the same values, shops at the same stores, likes the same brands I like’ ‘It works for them, it can work for me’

It’s human nature! We all judge things quickly because it helps us decide ‘friend’ or ‘foe’ in a heartbeat.

Don’t get me started on the whole evolution thing…

So to me, creating the right impression first is worth every single penny invested in graphic, branding and pages design.

It gives you the POWER to condense in one tiny square or in one single page all that your offer can do, what you are about and how people will experience it after they join your world.

Creating instant connection on a screen full of distractions is pretty gold if you ask me!

Here are 2 different ads I’m running – how do they make you feel?

2. Good Design Saves Time

Good design means you have the right information showcased in a way people readily understand.

As an avid course taker myself…I highly appreciate it when I can skim through a well-designed sales page and make a quick decision on whether or not it’s for me.

Not to mention that I trust someone that respects my time and doesn’t make me read through pages and pages of stuff (well, just like this email, I guess)

So taking some time to design a great page is a SERVICE you do for your audience and helps them not only make a quicker decision (hello higher conversions) but also trust you a whole lot more.

3. Feeling Good and Escaping Reality

Nobody wants to buy from jerks but we’re also seeing an overall need to ‘escape’ the harsh realities of life and business (hello TikTok dances).

Crafting a visually appealing experience when they enter your funnel makes people FEEL GOOD.

When you are in a better state of mind, you are more likely to receive information positively and BUY!

Crazy, isn’t it?!

If you make people feel good, they will buy more from you – it’s that simple.

Full disclaimer…

There is a small chance I’m writing this entire piece to justify the hundreds of hours I personally spend curating templates, working with designers and tweaking font spacing on my website 🤫

But my students tell me over and over that they love my ads and they bought my programs because of the sales page and my site –

so I keep spending a ton of time + good money on refining my funnel aesthetic (and encourage you to do the same).

No shame!

Roberta Funnel Mentor (and design aficionado)

No time or money to create a ‘Jenna Kutcher-esque’ website? Here are some branding hacks you can do this week to improve how your pages look:

[Less than $50] Invest on a branding board and pre-made logos (Graphic memberships like The Template Tribe or Creative Market have great options and Canva has options for free)

[Less than $500] Get a funnel template for your page builder – they not only look good but have the ‘save time’ dialed in for you

[$1K to $3K] Hire a designer for a program mini-rebranding…graphic designers with day-rate services for example can refresh your program visuals and focus on creating assets that help you sell. It costs less than a full brand and can be done a lot faster too!

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Hi, I'm Roberta

What I really love is to park my 40-yo bod on a beach, sip Bellinis and hang out with the I'm on a quest to make my business work for me  and enjoy more of that good life!

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Roberta West

Even when I didn't have money to buy lunch, I always knew I was meant for so much more...

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