You Need This Evergreen Power Couple

Make More Time for Life

I quit the corporate career I loved because I couldn't manage career + side-business...
My content is dedicated to help 'ultra-busy' people like you create a full time or side business on your own terms.

Dear digital reader,

Let me paint you a picture.

Imagine walking through the bustling streets of a busy downtown market. As you pass various vendors, you see some with giant billboards, elaborate displays, and a huge crowd.

But right in between these mega stalls, you spot a small vendor. Their setup is humble, just a simple table. Yet, they’ve got a line of eager customers.

Now, what's drawing people to this small vendor? They’re selling something different. Something small, accessible, and enticing: A little treat you can grab quickly and enjoy on the go.

This, my friend, is analogous to the world of digital marketing. In an online space dominated by big launches, massive promotions, and elaborate marketing campaigns, there's a golden opportunity often overlooked by many:

💰 the small digital offer.

This, paired with an evergreen sales funnel (a way to present your offer 24/7), can be the secret weapon for continuous, passive income and a loyal customer base.

The Charm of the Small Digital Offer

We live in an age of digital consumption. We download apps, stream music, binge on videos, and devour e-books. These digital products are all around us, serving as quick solutions to immediate problems.

Now, think of a small digital offer as that mini-treat in the bustling marketplace.

It’s affordable, easily digestible, and delivers value instantly. It's not asking for a massive commitment from the buyer, just a small investment to solve a pressing need.

For the buyer, the barrier to entry is low. They don’t need to think too hard before making the purchase. It's like grabbing a candy bar at the checkout counter.

Small, satisfying, and impulsive.

For the seller (that’s you), the beauty lies in its simplicity. It doesn’t require a massive production budget, extensive marketing, or even a vast team. Yet, it can lead to significant profits, especially when sold at volume.

The Magic of the Evergreen Sales Funnel

Now, having a great product is only half the battle. The next step is ensuring it gets in front of the right people at the right time. Enter the evergreen sales funnel.

Unlike a launch-based strategy, which has a start and end date, an evergreen sales funnel is always “on.” Day or night, rain or shine, it's there working tirelessly in the background, leading potential customers from awareness to purchase.

The evergreen funnel acts like your 24/7 salesperson, but without the need for coffee breaks. And because it's automated, it allows you to scale without extra effort on your part.

When you pair this funnel with a small digital offer, you're creating a system where:

Potential customers enter your world through a valuable, low-cost offer and…

The beauty here is twofold: Not only are you making passive income through the small offer, but you're also nurturing potential customers for bigger sales down the line.

Building Relationships One Digital Offer at a Time

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the relationship-building power of this duo. When someone buys your small digital offer, they aren't just making a transaction; they're taking the first step in their journey with you.

By delivering outstanding value in that tiny package, you’re making a statement. You're saying,

“Hey, if this is the kind of value I offer at this price, imagine what you'll get when you invest more!”

Your small digital offer serves as a taste-tester, an appetizer if you will, before the main course. And if they love the appetizer, chances are they'll be eager for the entrée.

In the Long Run…

The synergy of a small digital offer and an evergreen sales funnel is truly remarkable. It allows for continuous income, scalability, and a steady stream of new customers entering your ecosystem.

So, next time you're pondering your digital marketing strategy, think of that small vendor in the bustling market.

While it may seem tempting to only go for the big, shiny campaigns, never underestimate the power of a simple, consistent approach.

Always remember, in the digital realm, small can indeed be mighty. And with the right system in place, you're not just selling a product; you're building a community, one digital offer at a time.

Small and steady!


PS: This week I wanna challenge you to think of a small, specific, done in a week or so digital course that you could create for your audience. Is there anything you can solve for them and can be priced at $297 or less?
My bet is that in 2024 targeted mini courses will be the way to go for a lot of experts and content creators – so comment below and let me know if you are planning to create a small offer soon.

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Hi, I'm Roberta

What I really love is to park my 40-yo bod on a beach, sip Bellinis and hang out with the I'm on a quest to make my business work for me  and enjoy more of that good life!

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Roberta West

Even when I didn't have money to buy lunch, I always knew I was meant for so much more...

I've lived a million lives...from borrowing school uniform to attend high school to getting into all 3 major universities in Brazil to moving to the US with a thousand bucks and a scholarship to getting a 6-fig salary right off school and an expat assignment in Denmark...
and then to quitting all of that to call my own shots and take as vacation days as I want...
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